Target Alyse Black The Produce Song Commercial Song The Produce Song by Alyse Black.

Austin, TX artist Alyse Black submitted this song, which was selected as part of Target's grocery campaign. It's catchy!

Target: Alyse - Black The Produce Song Commercial
Song: The Produce Song by Alyse Black

Alyse left a short corporate career to sing on the streets of Pike Place Market in Seattle. One day, the pianist for a local jazz group wandered by, listened for a moment, and then explained that he liked her style. He needed another singer for a show that night at a local club. There was no looking back.

Hold Onto This
Song: The Produce Song by Alyse Black
Released: 2011
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Alyse was born into a house of Ragtime piano and musical theater. She learned her first notes on the piano from her father before she can remember. She first ventured onto a stage alone to sing at age six. She began violin at 10 and quit violin at 11 in favor of voice. Learn more

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